Welcome on the website of the International Emergency Management Organization (IEMO)
Goals of the IEMO are to provide Prevention and Response to under-privileged Emergencies, which are often neglected or under-assisted.

The IEMO welcomes partnerships and operational alliances with Governments, International Organizations and the Private Sector and looks forward to the enhancement of a co-operative coordination in the area of Emergency Management.
Having recently assumed my new function as President of the Organization, I am committed in favouring a rapid restructuring process of the organization, after a difficult start-up phase, to pursue its constitutional mission: “to work for emergency prevention, preparedness, mitigation and rapid recovery”

Be assured that your comments and questions are highly appreciated.

Thank you again for having visited the IEMO Organizational website

Dr.Alessandro Manini
President, IEMO


According to Article 4 of the Establishment Statutes, our Directional Secretariat ensures the keeping of the reports and of the minutes of the Council and the fulfillment of the secretarial duties in favor of the Council.

The Directional Secretariat assigns all Officers, delegates and envoys of the Organization, as well as establishes delegations and representative units.

The Directional Secretariat, in charge for the ordinary and extraordinary activity of the Organization, includes the Office of the President-principal officer of the Organization, the Office of the Inspector-General, Departments and Commissions.

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